Starting School
Admission to school is managed by the Pupil Admissions Office at West Sussex County Council on behalf of the School.
Parents may apply online through 'West Sussex - Admissions'.
This means that instead of applying separately to different schools parents can use a single application form to express their preferences. Applications for school must be made via the West Sussex Admissions Office even if your child has a place in The Oaks Nursery as admission to the main school is not automatic. Children are normally admitted to the school in September at the beginning of the school year in which they reach their fifth birthday. From the age of 5 years children are of statutory school age and must attend school full-time. At the start of the autumn term not all children in their Reception Year are of statutory school age however are entitled to attend school on either a part-time or full-time basis if the parent wishes. Starting school is an important and significant event in a young child’s life and we aim to ensure this is a positive experience for the child and parent. In order to support a positive start we recommend a short induction period which enables staff to provide individualised support for each child starting school.
We are pleased to receive applications for all children regardless of gender, race, or special needs. Children with Special Educational Needs or disabilities are treated no less favourably than other applicants for admission to school. All applications must be made through the Pupils Admissions Office.
The admission of children who have an Education Health Care Plan is undertaken in liaison with the Special Education Assessment Team, which is part of the West Sussex Learning Service. The Fair Access & Inclusion Team may also be involved in the arrangements for some pupils.
Appeals information can be found here
In Year Admissions
Applications for year groups other than the normal point of entry should be made directly to West Sussex County Council.
Please click here to access an application form.
Completed forms/online applications should be returned directly West Sussex County Council , this can be done via email. Application outcomes will be confirmed in writing no later than 15 school days from receipt of application.
If the number of applications for the school, for any year group, is more than the number of places available, the oversubscription criteria (as per our Admissions Policy) will be applied. The same oversubscription criteria will apply before a place is offered from the Waiting List.
In the event that your application is unsuccessful and you would like to pursue an appeal, please click here to access an Appeal form.
If you would like to arrange a tour of the school or have any queries regarding the admissions process please contact the School Office.
Telephone: 01293 527473
Please click here for our Admission Policies
The oversubscription criteria applies when the school receives more applications than its admission number of 60. Please see our Admissions Policy for the oversubscription criteria and associated notes.
New Reception September 2025
We will be conducting tours of the school from 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm on the following dates:
Thursday 7th November
Thursday 14th November
Thursday 21st November
Wednesday 27th November
Thursday 5th December
As spaces are limited, places must be booked in advance. Please complete this form to book your preferred tour.
Please remember that all applications for starting school must be made by 15th January 2025.
Further admissions information is available on our admissions page, please click here